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I’m Not Too Little To Write A Book, and Neither Are You! (Hardcover)

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Going Higher: 12 Weeks of Reflection For The Woman of God

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You’re Not Disqualified: How to Release the Pain of Your Past, Own Your Story, and Move Forward in Purpose

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Everybody Kneeling Ain’t Praying: A Memoir (Paperback)

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Everybody Kneeling Ain’t Praying: A Memoir (Audible)

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Screams From The Church Pew: Her Story, God’s Glory

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Journal without Judgment (Journal/Workbook)

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The Simple Outline Bundle (e-Book)

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Trust God During The Journey (e-Book)

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  • Check list for those who are starting their writing process
    • Define your "why" and your message.
    • Outline your book using mind mapping.
    • And much more
  • How m any of you have received a word from the Lord that gave you pa use? T ha t m a de you say, “You want me to do what, God?” I have. I have received a few of those words. T hose I didn’t quite understand, yet mistimes, I obeyed. The times that I didn’t obey, I paid the price. We do suffer many things, not from the enemy or the L or d, but by our own decisions. You do k now that, right? Some things a r e just us. We need to get out of our own way.......

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